Unrevealed Story of Maharana Pratap
March 20, 2022

Unrevealed Story of Maharana Pratap

While reading about the best leaders of India, I found some interesting stories about Maharana Pratap. We all know he was a legend and Maharana Pratap defeated the Mughal emperor Ahmad in the battle of Haldigati some 450 years ago. Decorative army of Kerba.

In 1573, a year after Maharana Pratap had become ruler of Mewar, Emperor Akbar sent Mansingh of Amber, one of his court luminaries and army commanders, to his court in an attempt to Conquer Pratap. Rajput king Rana Pratap’s continued rebellion after his defeat, striking in many ways, was little more than a nuisance to the Mughal army. As a last resort, Mughal Emperor Akbar sent another great warrior General Jagannath to India in 1584, but after 2 years of unremitting efforts, even he failed to capture Rana Pratap. The Mughal army, led by Man Singh of Amber, another Rajput warrior prince, far outnumbered Mewar’s forces, but the men of Pratapus fought fiercely and valiantly, many times. Defeated the Mughals until at some point during the Battle of Haldigati, Maharana Pratap was found, surrounded by all Maharana Pratap in the Mughal camp and decided to make a tactical retreat.

Mansingh I and Assaf Khan I assembled an army almost twice the size of the Mughal army and took a position at Haldigati, a mountain pass about 40 kilometers from Udaipur. The greatest Indian warrior won the battle despite the first order. Chief Pratap Man Singh Jala trades armor with Pratap to confuse the Mughal army. Mughal emperor Akbar intended to secure a stable route to Gujarat through Mewar; Akbar sent several messengers when Pratap Singh I was crowned king (Maharana) in 1572 , one of Rajaman Singh from Amer Amer, begged him to become a vassal like many other Rajputana rulers. Emperor Akbar tried many times to conquer Maharana Pratap because he knew that if Mewar accepted an alliance with him, other Rajput rulers would follow suit and accept Mughal sovereignty.

After the fifth diplomatic mission, Pratap had sent his son Amar Singh to the Mughal court to deny Akbar’s proposal of peace. As he did not present himself before the Mughal emperor, Akbar took offense. Due to his act of defiance, Akbar decided to go ahead with the battle and fight with Pratap.

Pratap Singh Sisodia was the true ruler of the Mewar as the Maharana imagined it, and so he himself became their dynastic protector in time, even in the most horrific ordeals. Pratap Singh Sisodia, however, himself sighed at the strategic resignation and wondered what he could have achieved had he been born a generation earlier. Pratap Singh roamed the forest like a fugitive, hiding in caves, starving, and seeing his children eating herbal bread while his queen suffered the lives of tribal women. According to tradition, Rana Pratap Amallah retreated to the mountains with his queen, young family, and some loyal supporters and went underground to Udaipur while the Mughal army hunted The nearby Zawar mine is waiting for time and trying to get support.

Realizing the crimes of the Pratap brothers, Shakti Singh dedicated his horse to one of the greatest Indian warriors so that the latter could escape. Pratapus’ father and his family left before being conquered and moved to the foothills of the Aravali Mountains, where Uday Singh had established the city of Udaipur in 1559. He called on all Rajput leaders to stand under one banner and support India’s independence. It took Mughal Akbar six months to gain control of Chittor at great cost, but now Pann Dai and Man Singh’s desire to get revenge on Pratap Singh Sisodia will easily beat him.

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